Since 1993
Innovations In Clinical Research
With the recent emergence of publications in the area of research methods indicating that traditional methods of Double Blind Studies and Control Group Designs have not produced the validity and reliability outcomes expected in clinical research, it is time to renew our interest in Case Study and Quasi-experimental design. In response to this need New Mind Journal seeks to focus on exploratory research formats to aid clinicians in discerning patterns and solutions to psychophysiological dysregulation.
The Library
Check out our Library page where we post key scientific articles related to neurofeedback and the science behind the New Mind System.
The Theory Corner
Where we review theories, ideas and opinions about neurofeedback proposed by members of the New Mind Community.
This Month: John Hummer Recounts The Challenges of Trying To Introduce Neurofeedback To The V.A.

Next Steps...
This site is dedicated to group sourcing and depends on the participation of clinicians for its success. Send us your case studies!